2007年8月1日 星期三


分類:management2006/11/05 20:42看時事學英英》及時雨just in time
2006.11.05 03:08 am8月間,倫敦機場規定旅客不准攜帶手提行李登機,以免恐怖份子以液態炸藥劫持航機,機場內免稅商店客源因而大幅流失。不過英商化危機為轉機,馬上想出幫旅客快速宅配到家的應變措施,業績反而更加興旺。這種及時的巧思,是企業求存的體現。一流公司能給員工思考空間,引導他們的智慧。免稅商店員工的及時應變能力,不但能處理一時的危機,也能讓公司永續經營。
公司追求永續經營,是漫長的深耕過程,就時間而言,是馬拉松,不是百米衝刺(It's a marathon and not a sprint!)。在這場競賽中,體質強的若不警惕,也會像寓言龜兔賽跑(tortoise and the hare)中的兔子過於自信,應變不及而落敗。即時管理 降低庫存 例:"This project is a marathon, not a sprint, and it will take a gold medal perfor-mance to deliver what we set out to deliver." 「這是場持久賽,不是百米衝刺。我們要使出全副精神,不能虛晃一招。」"It is possible for a patient and diligent tortoise to beat a distracted hare in a race." 「專心致志的烏龜,可以擊敗分心的兔子。」孫子兵法:「兵貴速,不貴久。」但此須經百般算計,而非為求快速而任意作為。因此他說「善用兵者,役不再籍,糧不三載」,連糧抹都要仔細盤點,方才發兵。日本人進一步發揚光大,以最少資源發揮最大效率,透過活用看板管理(The Kanban process)、經常檢視物流系統體系能力,達到「及時」(just in time)管理狀態,不留任何庫存。例:"By implementing the just in time process the Japanese have greatly reduced the need for warehousing and storage as well as stockpile of inventory." 「日本人發揚及時管理,把庫存降到最低。」力行精實,追求零庫存及時管理最成功的,當屬豐田汽車。豐田要員工變聰明,除了貢獻雙手,還要貢獻大腦,用心去營造無價的企業文化。詩人吉卜齡說過「別人分心時,我們用心,就會有成。」(If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs, you'll be a Man, my son.),這也可以用來預測龜兔賽跑的結果。不過,實施豐田式管理的公司很多,能獲成效者卻寥寥無幾,主要因為公司領導者不走進生產現場觀察,無從得知公司出了什麼問題,需要什麼樣的改善。所以也有人以吉卜齡前述的詩句,用來笑謔這種無所謂、不進入狀況(Nero fiddled while Rome burned.)的現象。例:"If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs, you have not been fully informed of the situation." 「大家亂成一團,你還能好整以暇,或許是只有你還不知道大難快要臨頭。」"Just as Nero fiddled while Rome burned, the CEO and his managers in their arro-gance are totally blind to what is happening in the company." 「公司高層對問題毫不在意,真是皇帝不急,急死太監。」精實訓練 勝過好運<>> 從處理危機的方法和時效,可以看出公司體質。所謂「急驚風碰到慢郎中」(The patient with the advanced disease was harmed by the doctor's slow treatments. ),指步調不同,大家都蒙害。因此預先仔細規劃,推演可能的狀況,預備及時補救措施(A stitch in time saves nine.),較為穩妥。所謂的「好不好沒關係,先上陣再說」(Perfect is the enemy of good enough!),終究要付出更多的改善成本。例: "When he recognized the symptoms, the doctor began aggressively treating the disease as he wanted to stop it in its early stages. He knows that a stitch in time saved nine." 「診出病灶,醫生趕緊對症下藥,他知道事不宜遲。」有人說商場如戰場,這是因為逐鹿中原,各憑本事(you pay your money and take your chances)。不過,憑藉著精實的訓練、充分的準備、及時的運籌,所產生的獲勝機率,應大於純然的好運氣。例: "Like anything in life, you pay your money and take your chance; and like any business investment, it is prudent to carry out appropriate research before committing to any expenditure." 「生活中充滿各種可能;商業投資亦然。花錢之前,謹慎研究為要。」
【2006/11/05 經濟日報】引用:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!EOUWG0WRGBKHrRDl8JmGBC4-/article?mid=1240
